
Friday, September 30, 2016

“We learn to do by doing”
-Spencer W. Kimball
This quote means that you can’t learn to do something if you don’t do it. To learn new things you must do them, practise them, examine them. You can’t just wait and magically you know how to do them. In life you must you must do to learn. For example if you never make a you will never know
how to solve one. To learn to do the right is doing the right in life
For example you must learn to forgive by forgiving.Right is doing the right in life
For example you must learn to forgive by forgiving.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Duties: An emergency medical technician (EMT) travels to the scene of an emergency and provides initial on-site assessments,basic medical care,and transportation of patients for advanced medical treatment. Your job level of training and experience. All emergency medical technicians are responsible for rushing to the scene of the crisis and need to perform basic life saving techniques.EMT- Basic, EMT-Intermediate, and EMT-paramedic are the most common levels of training.
Salary: 31,020 on average in 2012
Education: Many states require to complete a certificate program in EMT training in order to qualify for state or national certification exams. Six months of training are required to complete basit and Intermediate (EMT). One or two years of paramedic training is needed, depending if you choose to earn a certificate of an associate's degree.
Demand For Profession: This job will grow 23%(2012)
Reflection: I would not like to be a EMT because I don’t like to see people in pain.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Block 3

“We are given Three main important things in life Strength, Courage, and Wisdom”

This quote mean that if you apply to these three given things in life it’ll be easier to maintain happiness and prosper in life. Strength to overcome the worst days and  nights in life. Courage to not fear what’s there to come in life. The most important of all wisdom to know how to make life the best it can be for you and others in your life. These three words are the key essential to living a happy and prosperous life. You must have to work hard and achieve the best, work with others to prepare for what’s next, and work hard  to assure a great life for you and the people in your life. For example if you don’t apply these three things in life you are surely to be weak, a coward, and unknowable person in life. To me this means that
Nose Throat Doctor (ENT)

Duties and responsibilities: A (ENT) Doctor is specialized in ears, nose, and throat.They treat ear disorders and are trained to do both medical and surgical treatments on patients. With hearing loss, ear infections, balance disorders, ear noise(tetanus), and many cranial nerve disorders.They patients with allergies, smell disorder, polyps, and more. The throat is examined for any voice and swallow disorders. Not only are they specialized in the ears, nose, and throat but also the head and the neck.

Salary: The median salary of a (ENT) is about 205,000 per year.

Education:To become a (ENT) doctor you must go to medical school and many years in preparing and training in these job.

Demand for profession:Good

Reflection: I would probably pursuit these job because I am thinking of becoming  a Dentist some day and these career is a little related to Dentistry.

Monday, September 26, 2016


Image result for david bednar "Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy."

-David Bednar
This means that if you want to become a happy
 person in life you must obey and do the right thing in life. To be a happy person you must follow the right path into doing the right thing in life to improve your happieness. To remain happy inlife you must always be a giving person and helpfull. Nothing is more importent than to be happy in our life and prosperuse. Life is to be happy and remain happy to do this in life you must be obediant and do the right things in life.

LAUSD Student Services

Sudent Services: 
LAUSD provides several student services to help student with their studies and their career path way.
They are involved with student life, they help inprove their students comunication with school programs and activitys. Such as Beyond the Bell before and after school progrems to help students with their on school activitys like home work and activity. Activitys such as music and arts. LAUSD not only provides these activitys in many schools but much more. Summer school for children of all ages to help improve education. They provide online learning and collage information for children. Reasorces are also provided to help students in their education. They give resorces such as librarys to promote kids to inprove their education in life. These services are helpfull for many students educaton environment and careers. LAUSD Student Services are very helpful to children of all ages.
In my perspective I think that theses LAUSD Services are helpful to many students. They help provide many resourses and activitys.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do"

                                                                    - Alex Linares

This statement means that if you take the right decision in life you are surly to be successful in life chooses. This      
Duties and responsibilities: Dermatologists provide medical treatment and diagnose patients who want to improve their skin conditions. They also work in treating people's hair and nails.
Salary: $204,072 for all dermatologists
Education: Doctor of medicine or Osteopathy degree, plus four years of clinical training and a residency will be necessary to become a dermatologist.

Demand or need for this profession: 14% of physicians and surgeons will increase from 2012- 2024.  
Reflection: I would not become a dermatologist because I am persisting another career.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player." -John Wooden

This means that even though you have achieved in life and have pursed that doesnt show who you truly are in life. Your true self is the most important thing there is not the one who achieved. You can be some one who achieved a lot in life but still fall apart in your self interior  and not even notice it. For example 
Image result for john wooden


Duties and Responsibilities: Veterinarians mainly focus on providing medical help for household pets such as cats,  dogs, birds, and rabbits.They also provide medical care for large farm animals. They help patients with broken bones or by taking x-rays of the patients. They examine and treat animals. They prescribe and administer animal medications. They perform surgery and take samples.
Salary: 86,640 would be the median salary for a veterinarian
Education: You must earn a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree
Demand for profession: 2012-2022 the job outlook will increase 12%
Reflection: I would pursue this career because I love animals and would love to work for/with them through my career.  

Friday, September 16, 2016

True Wealth

"True Wealth is of the heart not of the purse"
Patriarch of Antioch & All the East, 1846-'94
Image result for True wealth is of the heart not of the purse

This quote mean that if you are happy, healthy, and alive than that is wealth. Nobody can take away this kind of wealth from you but your self. If you are wealthy you might have money, but not happiness in your self. Wealthiness is being healthy with your love ones and living a happy  pros peruse life. Many people think that  wealthiness is having every thing you want when ever you want but wealthiness is more than that it is the chance to enjoy life with whom you love most, not about riches or money. You have the opportunity to live life your best. For example if you decide to receive money for happiness you will become eager and unhappy because at the end you will have nobody to share it with any body. Now if you are happy without money and you decide to live your life with 
Block 3
Dental Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities: Dental assistants ensures that the patients  are comfortable. They prepare the working area and help by holding the instruments that are used in the procedures. They work with patients billing and payments. They also keep records of dental treatment. The schedule dental appointments, take x-rays, and complete tasks under the directions of the dentist. They help inform patients about treatments and keep their mouth dry while the treatment.

Salary: $34,740 per year
Education: To become a Dental Assistant there are no formal education required. A requirement to become a dental assistant would be  training. Training that lasts 2 years receive an associate degree.
Demand or need for profession: 18% of these job will increase 2014-2024
Reflection:I am thinking of pursuing this job as my first job and then continuing to study for a dentist.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

     Feel Right 

"You cannot do wrong and feel right.It is impossible."

Image result for Ezra T. benson You cannot do...This quote demonstrates that if you don't do the right thing once you'll do it again the next time. If you do something wrong you know it's wrong and you cannot feel good about it. When you do the wrong thing your subcontinents knows/ makes you feel bad for what you did wrong in life. Life can feel great and right but you have to choose. If you ever did the right thing in life than you will feel awesome, happy, and proud about your self. An example about this is that if you know you keep making the same mistake than you know you are doing something wrong but you keep doing it because you don't realize it. In the other hand if you do the right thing than you know that you did the right thing for you and for other in life than you automatically know you did the right thing. 
Duties and Responsibilities: Chiropractors take medical history of your injuries, surgery,and any medical help. Chiropractors examine mainly  the patient's spine and the posture of the spine.They take x-rays and look for any problems. They take many tests such as blood tests for their patients. Chiropractors keep records and help advise patients on their recoveries. They also perform adjustments to joints of the spine using many utensils.    
Salary: $ 65,300
Education: To be a Chiropractor you must have one year of training and you must have a degree of Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
Demand for this profession: 15 % of these job will increase  
Reflection: I am thinking of being a dentist in the future so no I would not like to be a Chiropractor.