What is Veterans Day?
- It is a Federal holiday in which we honor the brave men and woman of the armed forces who risk their life for our freedom.
When is it?
- Veterans Day is on November 11 every year since 1954.
What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
- The purpose to of veterans day is to honor the people who help us get our freedom every day of our life.
Why is it important to show honor on Veterans Day?
- It is important because this way you get to acknowledge the sacrifices they’ve made while serving the country.
List several ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day.
- A way to honor veterans is by changing one light bulb to green.
- Say thank you
- Deliver meals or care packages to veterans
- etc.
Write anything else of special interesting to you pertaining to veterans day.
- What is interesting is that the first Veterans Day was on 1938. We’ve been celebrating this holiday since then.
I think that Veterans Day is a special way to honor the vet’s.
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