
Thursday, September 8, 2016

911 Memorials

ground zero and surrounding area as seen from directly above depicting where the two planes impacted the towers
On September 11,2001 a plane, American Air Line flight 11, crashed into the north tower of the world trade center. this happened at 8:46 am. There were 92 people aboard the plane. The plane was traveling at a speed of 407 miles per hour. After a few minuets another plane, United Air lines flight 175, crashed into the south tower at 9:03 am. There were 65 people aboard the plane. The plane was traveling at a speed of 590 miles per hour. The plane crashed at the corner of the south tower. Witch collapsed at 9:58 am. 56 minutes later. At 10:28 am. the North tower collapsed. The
A montage of eight images depicting, from top to bottom, the World Trade Center towers burning, the collapsed section of the Pentagon, the impact explosion in the south tower, a rescue worker standing in front of rubble of the collapsed towers, an excavator unearthing a smashed jet engine, three frames of video depicting airplane hitting the Pentagon

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